More than a million living in pockets of hidden poverty in England
A study by researchers at Queen's University and Professor Richard Wright is highlighted by the Guardian.
[more]A study by researchers at Queen's University and Professor Richard Wright is highlighted by the Guardian.
[more]Join Professor Domosh on November 9th at 4:30 in Berry 180 (Baker-Berry Library) to hear about her recently published book and the research process that led her to write it.
[more]"The Vermont flooding is a good example to get us thinking about the worst-case scenario for extreme rainfall events and how flooding damages our infrastructure." The assistant professor of Geography tells New York Magazine.
[more]"We built an economy and a set of practices coded to a past climate, not the one that is unfolding," the associate professor of geography tells The New York Times.
[more]"You hope that every event like this keeps people alert, and thinking of the future. It's not going to be a one-off, and you can't put your head in the sand," the professor of geography says in a New York Times story about Vermont's flood protection efforts.