More than a million living in pockets of hidden poverty in England
A study by researchers at Queen's University and Professor Richard Wright is highlighted by the Guardian.
[more]A study by researchers at Queen's University and Professor Richard Wright is highlighted by the Guardian.
[more]Richard Wright has a new paper in the journal Political Geography. Working with Mark Ellis, Matt Townley and Kristi Copeland (U Washington), he is interested in the effects of state level legislation on internal migration in the US. The effects of Jim Crow laws on the exodus of blacks form the US South are well known and well documented. Wright and colleagues ask: are the immigrant hostile environments in certain US states producing outflows of targeted populations.
[more]Research, says Celeste Winston ’14, is a freeing form of scholarship. “Undergraduate research has given me the ability to explore my interests with the assistance of Dartmouth faculty and with the inspiration of some of my fellow Dartmouth students.”