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My specialty is in geographic information systems (GIS), quantitative spatial analysis and modeling, and the geocomputational approach. I have explored the applications of GI technologies in various domains, particularly in health studies, digital soil mapping, urban and regional planning, public participation, and renewable energy studies.
Li, M., Shi, X. (corresponding author), Gui, J., Song, C., Andrew, S. A., Pioro, E. P., Stommel, E. W., Tischbein, M., and Bradley, W. G., 2022, A new method for estimating under-recruitment of a patient registry: a case study with the Ohio Registry of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Scientific Report, 12(1), 1-11, 14721. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-18944-9.
Li, M., Shi, X. (one of corresponding authors), Li, X., Ma, W., He, J., and Liu, T., 2019, Epidemic Forest: A Spatiotemporal Model of Communicable Diseases. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 109(3): 812-836. DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2018.1511413.
Shi, X., Miller, S.D., Mwenda, K.M., Onda, A., Rees, J.R., Onega, T.L., Gui, J., Karagas, M.R., Demidenko, E., and Moeschler, J.B., 2013, Mapping Disease at an Approximated Individual Level Using Aggregate Data: A Case Study of Mapping New Hampshire Birth Defects, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10: 4161-4174. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph10094161.
Shi, X., Alford-Teaster, J., Onega, T., and Wang, D., 2012, Spatial Access and Local Demand for Major Cancer Care Facilities in the U.S. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(5): 1125-1134.
2023, NIH through DHMC, Investigating Toxic Elements and Nanoparticles in ALS Etiology: a Geospatial and Toxicological Evaluation of Massachusetts ALS Registry Patients. $953,706 for 5 years. PI: Xun Shi (PI of the entire project at DHMC: Elijah Stommel).
2022, NSF, Residential Mobility: Implications for the Accuracy of Disease Cluster Detection, $31,389 for 3 years. PI: Xun Shi (a subaward of a project granted to University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), PI: Eric Delmelle).
2022, NSF, A subaward of CREST Center for Geomatic and Environmental Informatics, Modeling and Simulation, awarded to Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. $250,761 for 5 years. PI: Xun Shi (PI of the entire project at Texas A&M: Lea Der Chen).
2020, NSF, A subaward of RII Track-2 FEC: Leveraging Big Data to Improve Prediction of Tick-Borne Disease Patterns and Dynamics. 1.2 million for 4 years. PI: Xun Shi (PI of the entire project at University of Idaho: Xiaogang Ma).
2020, Scholar Innovation and Advancement Awards of Dartmouth, "Governmental Restriction of Individual Lives in an Epidemic Outbreak: How Far Should It Go? A Case Study of Current Coronavirus Situation in China". $47,000 for 2 years. PI: Xun Shi.