Faculty Spotlight: Jaclyn Hatala Matthes
Jaclyn Hatala Matthes is a new assistant professor in the Department of Geography and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Biology.
[more]Jaclyn Hatala Matthes is a new assistant professor in the Department of Geography and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Biology.
[more]The Journal of Science as Culture has published Susanne Freidberg's article, "It's complicated: Corporate sustainability and the uneasiness of life cycle assessment."
[more]Footprint technopolitics, a new article by Susanne Freidberg, appears in the August 2014 issue of Geoforum. The journal Historical Research has also published Freidberg's Moral economies and the cold chain, an article based on a plenary lecture delivered last year in London at the 82nd Anglo-American Conference of Historians on the theme of "Food in history."
[more]Jaclyn Hatala Matthes published a new paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences. This research, conducted in collaboration with the Biometeorology Lab at the University of California, Berkeley, investigated the spatial drivers of methane emissions from a restored wetland in California.
[more]Research, says Celeste Winston ’14, is a freeing form of scholarship. “Undergraduate research has given me the ability to explore my interests with the assistance of Dartmouth faculty and with the inspiration of some of my fellow Dartmouth students.”