Rise In 'Extreme Precipitation'
In 1996, the Northeastern U.S saw a sudden increase in the number of "extreme precipitation" events. And ever since then, that number has stayed elevated. Full story
[more]In 1996, the Northeastern U.S saw a sudden increase in the number of "extreme precipitation" events. And ever since then, that number has stayed elevated. Full story
[more]Using a score, Garret Dash Nelson, named after the inventor of gerrymandering, discovers a huge variation in how well congressional districts match up with commuter regions consisting of interconnected urban, suburban, and rural areas.
[more]Congratulations to Frank Magilligan, Buraas, E.M., and Renshsaw, C.E., 2015. The efficacy of stream power and flow duration on geomorphic responses to catastrophic flooding, Geomorphology, 228: 175-188) was selected for the 2017 G.K. Gilbert Award for "Excellence in Geomorphological Research” awarded by the Geomorphology Specialty Group of the AAG.
[more]Stephanie Spera joined the Geography Department as a Neukom Institute Postdoctoral Fellow in 2016. After spending four years counting craters on Mars as an Earth and Planetary Science major at Washington University in St. Louis, Stephanie decided to give up on that planet and focus on her own. Broadly, her research asks, ‘How do we ensure that we manage our landscapes sustainably?’
[more]"The Land Beneath Our Feet"Followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker, Gregg Mitman5:30 on Monday, April 10First floor of House Center B. Dinner will be provided.